Planet Osberan. In progress
Planet Osberan. In progress
Instagram: Malerine_guesn
A world inhabited by surprising creatures and plants.
Information extracted from the catalog of colonization, supplemented by our own experience, when possible
Euripterida bicauda
: Eat ducks

A kind of aquatic creature of great size, living at the surface of the water in swamps and calm rivers, it hunts animals living on the surface by sucking them up when it opens its mouth quickly. These 2 spheres at the end of its tail, create a light, to attract its preys during the evening, and the night. It is a solitary animal, having an important sexual dimorphism. For example, only females could be observed, it is supposed that the male is more like a water scorpion with a flipper.
Aedes arboritus polypus
: Tree of Ades
Arcuatum Pisces
: Cove fish
Aquatic animal of about a hundred kilos, strangely equipped with a bony handle on its back instead of a dorsal fin, it develops a gregarious behavior, it is not aggressive towards humans. Endowed with a great power, it can swim quickly.
It is a piscivorous animal, it likes to take advantage of the fruits present on the beaches or falling on the surface of the water. It is not uncommon for it to voluntarily run aground to enjoy a hearty meal. Its muscular fins allow it to easily return to the water once the meal is over. No thorough study has been done on its morphology, but it is very likely that it breathes like a terrestrial animal, with lungs, rather than like a fish.

A sneaky tree octopus, it lives in symbiosis with a small millipede that carries the octopus' eggs and its own to a host to be parasitized in exchange for food. The set of babies then develop rapidly, and the small millipedes come out and paralyze the parasitized animal, which will serve as fertilizer for the tree. All these steps could be observed at different stages of maturation, without ever having followed the whole cycle.
This animal plant uses its tentacles to immobilize the victim while the millipedes come to deposit the eggs.
Equus Camelus: Vorrons
Particularly sociable animal towards men, it is perfectly adapted for walking in the hot rock desert, thanks to its minor need of water, and the morphology of its feet, provided with long and fine toes. It is on the other hand less well adapted for the sandy desert because again of its feet.
It is an animal of a very big size, and graceful, it is more than 1.5m at the withers, for 1.5m length.
As soon as they landed on the planet, the first settlers found in him an excellent companion for themselves and an animal able to help them in their tasks.
Aedes arboritus polypus: Tree of Ades
A sneaky arboreal octopus, it lives in symbiosis with a small centipede which carries its eggs to a host to parasitize in exchange for food.
This animal plant uses its tentacles to immobilize the victim while the centipedes come to lay the eggs.

Bos taurus Ursidae Ankylodae
: Barros
The Barros are part of the cattle that we used to raise to feed ourselves, it is a docile animal, long, very stocky with a massive head, without horn. Four large teeth protrude from its mouth and allow it to tear off the bark of the trees of which it is fond. We also use its skin and its carapace which offer us a very thick and very resistant leather. The female also produces a very nourishing milk, whether she is expecting a baby or not, and this, from her first year of life. In the wild, she evacuates her milk in hollow stones. This milk is then drunk by a plethora of other animals. This behavior has allowed this animal to become indispensable and to be protected from all predators.
Sagittae Spiculum Epistilia
: Episaspi
A disgusting and stinking creature covered with mucus all over its body, it is a little more than 2m long and less than 1m at the withers.
Not very aggressive and able to carry over long distances on stones or sand, it perfectly completes the capacities of the Vorrons. It can also advance without difficulty on steep slopes. This creature was quickly domesticated by the inhabitants of the silver city.
It has no food interest; its meat is simply not edible because of its mucus.
Its breeding is complicated by the fact that the animal refuses to reproduce in captivity, so it is necessary to take young animals from around the city, and then accustom them to the presence of humans.
Theropoda Aves Struthioniformes: Pic-pic
The PIC-PIC is an animal belonging to the kingdom of birds, with a height of about one meter, it is equipped with a long beak perfectly adapted to tear off the meat from the bones and to search the carcasses without problems. Even if he is a scavenger, he can, when he is in a group, attack quite easily creatures of the same stature as him, even bigger if the number allows it. Otherwise, when it is alone, it is a fearful animal. It remains in any case, particularly aggressive, and attacks any species, which it considers in its perimeter of life.
The species is marked by a surprising dysmorphism, it was found that the male unlike the female, has a small pair of arms, whose usefulness is not clear, it is assumed that they serve to hold the female during mating, but this has not been confirmed. His back legs are very powerful, which makes him a sprinter as well as an outstanding climber.

Unknown carnivore
We met it during the encounter with Arton in an abandoned village. It is a big creature, about twice the size of a man in length and a good 40 meters at the withers. Very aggressive, we could only notice that it is a fearsome killer.
Endowed with 6 legs, he appeared to us very at ease in mountainous and steep environment. We do not have any other information regarding this animal.

Pisces Beloniforme luna
: Moon Fish
Medium-sized fish, weighing about ten kilograms. It has a capacity of adaptation to warm and cold waters and thanks to this, it is found on almost the whole planet. Solitary during all its life, except during the periods of reproduction, it is provided with an appendix in the shape of quarter moon, on both sides of its head. Hence its name. This protuberance scares off large predators, making it an animal that is rarely attacked except by man since he discovered how to catch it.
This fish turns out to have played a major role in the survival of man on Polarys
great leviathan
An animal as massive as it is peaceful, some specimens were measured during the colonization at more than 50m long, an adult was never observed except from space. During our journey we had crossed a child specimen living in the sea arm between the 2 continents, which given its dimensions, had already particularly worried us.
We don't know much about its diet. Nor on its life cycle.
Not much is known about its diet. Nor on its life cycle.
Bos taurus Ursidae Ankylodae: Barros

Carnivore of great size. It physically resembles a Therapod, as it could have existed on earth. It is also equipped with horns on its skull and at the end of its tail. It also has 2 pairs of eyes.
It is not very aggressive with humans, but it changes completely if you get close to its offspring. It is also this point that saved us when approaching the silver city, we found ourselves facing a specimen. When we realized that its children were present, we simply had to back up to get out of the predicament.
Very large animal, it seems to be a solitary animal, except for the mother and the child (supposedly unique at birth). In adulthood several specimens have been observed exceeding 4 meters with a withers estimated at 2.5 meters.
Until now no specimen has been seen close enough, because it has always shown a very wild behavior towards us, so it has never been possible to study this creature in more depth. Morphologically, a great resemblance with the Vorrons has been noted, however, this resemblance only seems to be physical.
The Girallion lives in warm-temperate environments where the vegetation cover is mainly covered with savannah type flora. In contrast to the Vorrons which prefers semi-desert areas.
They like to graze on the top of a plant which is also large. Producing leaves only in its upper part.​
The Barros are part of the cattle that we raised for
feed us, it is a docile animal, long, very stocky with a massive head devoid of horn. 4 large teeth protrude from its mouth and allow it to tear off the bark of trees whose
he is fond of it. We also use its skin and its shell which
offer a very thick and very resistant leather.