Planet Osberan. In progress
Planet Osberan. In progress
Instagram: Malerine_guesn
Osberan Astro Geography
The Tylonia-Aleya dual solar system.
Osberan is a planet of 13 600 km in diameter with a gravity at the surface of 1,2 times superior to that of the earth, a little bigger than the earth it is constituted in great majority of oceans. It orbits around two suns.
The first Sun, Tylonia is of the same class and size as the one in our solar system. Another sun, a white dwarf of 0.3 solar diameter named Aleya, wandered around and was captured by Tylonia in the past. Both have balanced with time and rotate around each other in 5000 years, from the atmosphere of Osberan we can see at certain times the burning gases escaping from Tylonia towards Aleya.
Osberan originally belonged to the Tylonia system, but its elliptic seems to have been modified by the presence of Aleya. This created a particular conjuncture bringing the planet dangerously close to the white dwarf every 2500 years. It completes a year in 380 days and turns on itself in 27 Earth hours. It is tilted on the ecliptic plane by 9 degrees, so the difference in daylight between summer and winter is quite marked at high latitudes.
From the planet we can see the two suns, but Aleya produces only a weak luminosity on the surface. It causes a large number of auroras on almost the entire planet giving the sky a multitude of colors, mainly during the nights of Tylonia. During the Eclipse of Aleya by Tylonia, these disappear and their protection with it, so when Aleya reappears, the rays cross the atmosphere dangerously for a while. At this precise moment the light on the planet is very difficult to bear and if this overexposure was too long it would have serious consequences on the living.
Fortunately, life on the planet seems to be totally acclimatized to this phenomenon and has even become accustomed to this cyclical evil. And this is all the more so since a mysterious protection is always activated just before the transition phase marked by a deep rumbling perceptible from large areas on the planet, the time for the atmosphere's defenses to recover.
Osberan has a moon of 4800 km in diameter: Ptolana. Probably a former dwarf planet captured, which orbits Osberan in 45 days, this moon is in phase with its planet which means that it always presents the same face, just like the moon and the earth. It has a small atmosphere, but does not seem to harbor life, although it has liquid oceans, but they are not very deep. On the other hand, it causes very unstable tides on the surface of its companion
Geography and climate of Osbéran

There are 3 continents in Osberan. The northern continent called the lands of Chionée. In opposition to the lands of Hephays for the southern continent. The 2 poles are connected by these 2 main continents which form a wide strip of land going from north to south. The ocean inherited the name "the Great Molok", following the discovery of the leviathans, monstrous peaceful creatures but of immeasurable size, reminding the spirit of the rivers in some ancient earth tribes.The 3rd continent is formed by a chain of islands of great size. The eastern islands are called the Garnet Chain because of the orange-red color visible from space. The western lands are called the Emerald Swirl, among other things because of the shape they describe and also again because of their beautiful green color. The average temperature of this planet is 14.3°C. The climate is globally stable with 2 big cyclones almost immobile on the ocean. The first climatic studies before the loss of technology, did not allow to understand their influence at the planetary level, one can just note a great regularity in the direction of the winds.The Haub-sar mountain, is the highest point of the planet, it sits at an altitude of 9951m, and is located in the haubalie massif. This massif causes a climate of monsoon type on its eastern flank, while in the west lies the largest desert on this planet.Last point of interest, there remains a large island in the southern hemisphere, east of the continent of Hephays. Bordered by a luminescent sea of a powerful and luminescent azure blue, since it is visible both during the day and at night. It is believed that this naturally allowed the development on the island of a violet flora that gradually began to colonize the rest of the planet. The island was named the island of Azuame. For all these reasons.